Monday, January 30, 2006

Countdown to 21: 5 days

A few things have changed since I last has started and I finished my scarf! I'm pretty optimistic about this semester even though the reading load is insane and I had to spend $450 on 15 books and one of the five classes I am taking doesn't have a book. My professors seem pretty cool, but I am definitely going to have to work my ass off to work four days a week and keep up with the reading. So this is what I'm taking:

POSC312: Constitutional Law Rights
POSC423: American Presidency
MUSC290: Popular Music in America
POSC362: SOcial and National Politics in China
POSC304: Recent Political Theory

My music class is obviously going to be a joke, but it is one of those stupid General Education classes I had to get out of the way and it fit my scheudle so hey, that is a bit less thinking I will have to do this semester and that is fine with me. My other four Political Sciences classes are going to kill my anyway.

My birthday is this weekend and I'm a little nervous, but I'm really excited. San Francisco is going to be great and it will be good to get to see my brother and my soon-to-be sister-in-law. Given the craziness of this upcoming week as well as this weekend, I don't think I will be able to post until after my birthday, but I guarantee there will be pleanty of entertaining stories and pictures to make up for it:) Have a great week/weekend!

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Count down to 21: 9 days(single digits!)

I'm not going to name names because they would all die of embarrassment, but quite a few Ultimate Fighters come into my work and for some reason, today all of them came in at separate times. I think they're doing this promotional thing, but because my work advertises for them and they advertise for us they give us a really good deal at their gym and today every single one of them was trying to get me into their gym. I told them I was doing Tae Bo and they all got mad at me!

So here's my deal. I pay $30 a month and one of them will be my personal trainer and they will get my fat ass into shape, but I'm a little nervous about it. It's not like I would date any of them because 1) they're all man-whores and 2) I like tall skinny boys, not boys with rippling muscles that beat the shit out of other boys for a living type.

I'm just nervous because well I'm not in the best shape of my life right now and I would have to see these boys at work after I die at the gym in front of them. Not to mention, I would kind of feel like a groupie slut haha. I kind of flirt with all of them when they come in so they'll buy stuff from me and I don't want to give off the wrong impression.

So we'll see what I end up doing. Thirty bucks is such a good deal so maybe if I can get my roommate the same deal and she will go die with me I'll do it.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Countdown to 21: 10 days

First off, I just want to thank everyone for their kind words. It meant a lot to me:)

I never thought I'd say this, but thank God my sister tagged me because I honestly have had nothing to write about because for the past 9 days straight I have been working and well, when you work in a tanning salon, life isn't too exciting. I go to work and hand out a little dose of cancer to everyone that comes in and I call it a day.

Four Jobs You Have Had in Your Life:
1. Tanning consultant
2. Hostess/Phone Bitch
3. Babysitter
4. Volunteer at the local TV station for the Sports boys

Four Movies You Could Watch Over and Over:
1. Lost in Translation
2. Lord of the Rings
3. The Royal Tenenbaums
4. Out of Sight

Four Places You've Lived:
1. Sacramento, CA
2. Redding, CA
3. Long Beach, CA
4. Huntington Beach, CA

Four TV Shows You Love to Watch:
1. 24
2. Grey's Anatomy
3. Lost
4. Project Runway

Four Places You've Been on Vacation:
1. Cancun
2. Italy
3. Hawaii
4. NYC

Four Websites You Visit Daily:

Four of Your Favorite Foods:
1. sushi
2. anything with cheese in the title
3. cheeseburgers
4. french fries

Four Places You'd Rather Be Right Now:
1. SF...10 more days!
2. NYC
3. London
4. Disneyland

Four Bloggers You're Tagging:
I don't tag people because I don't know enough people that blog to tag them:)

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Today I found that my last remaining grandparent passed away today. Last January my grandpa was diagnosed with liver cancer and was given 3 months to live and here it is exactly one week shy of a year so I'm taking it pretty well considering I've had almost a year to prepare myself for this event. It is still a sad thing and not because he was my last grandparent, but because my grandpa was a pretty cool guy since he straightened out his life in his older age.

I'm going to miss going over to his house and playing Cribbage with him while listening to 40's music.

I'm going to miss asking him if it feels weird when he eats without his teeth in.

I'm going to miss hearing him talk about WWII and how he would break Japanese codes.

I'm going to miss hearing him laugh, more like cackle, everytime I accuse him of cheating. When I was 9 years old my grandpa cheated me in Poker and I finally figured it out because whenever he would start cheating he would start cackling and I eventually wrote an essay about it in one of my classes. Which leads me to another thing I'm going to miss about him. I'm going to miss hearing about how he still has that essay I wrote about him and cheating in Poker everytime I see him.

I'm going to miss his hugs.

And I'm going to miss seeing him walk into the house wearing his Harley Davidson hat.

I'm going to miss telling him why the Cardinals and the Braves suck and the Giants rule.

I never knew my other grandpa because he died before I was born and I'm almost kind of glad I never met him because I wouldn't want to have anyone else to compare my grandpa to. I never really got very close with my two grandmas so I'm really going to miss my grandpa and I'm so glad the family was able to get together this Christmas to say good-bye to him. My family is everything to me and even though I know it was time for my grandpa to go, it still means that there is a little less family in my life now. I'll miss you, Grandpa and I love you with all my heart.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

These two pictures show all that is beautiful when it comes to drinking...

More pictures here

Also, 24 Oh...My...God...I think I gasped 30 times in the first 10 minutes!

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Countdown to 21: 24 days

I saw Match Point last night, which was really good, but also incredibly disturbing and fucked up. The music was great and well, now I want to go to London even more.

I'm not here to talk about Match Point though. As disturbing as it was, I saw something even more disturbing during the previews. I don't know if any of you have seen the preview for the new Mandy Moore movie, American Dreamz(click link to see the trailer), but not only does it look terrible, but it's flat out racist. I like Mandy Moore. I think she's cute and she's a fairly good actress compared to the other musicians trying to act these days.

So I guess the premise of the movie is this singing competition, American Dreamz, that is very similar to our own American Idol. One of the contestants is Muslim and part of the storyline is that at the end of the competition he is going to blow everyone up! I'm sorry, but America doesn't need any more encouragement to think that all people of Middle Eastern decent are terrorists. So so wrong! There's also this nice little line when one of the terrorists says something along the lines of, "They don't call me the torturer for nothing!" Hmmm...funny, I recall our WHITE, CHRISTIAN Vice President, Dick Cheney encouraging the people to vote for the CIA to be able to torture. America's ignorance still astounds me.Maybe there is something missing from the preview and in the actual movie and the kid has a change of heart or something, but from the previews it just looks bad!

Another movie that I'm nervous about is Flight 93 (Click link for trailer). It's about the people that fought the terrorists and the plane crashed in Pennsylvania on September 11th. I'm worried they're going to turn it into a really bad action film, like Armageddon or something. The preview just gives me the feeling the movie is going to be so so so wrong and disrespectful. For the families sakes, I hope not. God Bless America!

Monday, January 09, 2006

Countdown to 21: 26 days

So I know I've been away for quite some time, but now I am back and I am back as a whole new me. I've changed my major. I've gone on a diet. And I've started working out every night. As excited as I am to be almost 21, part of me has freaked out and has seen it as a sign that I am getting old and I still have no idea what I am going to do with my life. Yes, yes. I know this sounds incredibly absurd to be freaking out over these kinds of things at the mere age of 21, but I am the girl that is so terrified of failure that it practically consumes my life and thus...I MUST have a plan!

Currently I am a Political Science major with a minor in History. Lately, history has not been doing it for me, but since I'm 6 units away from getting my minor I figured I might as well go on with that. Then people always ask me what I am going to do with my Political Science major and it's not like they just ask, they practically scoff at my major. They basically say, "What the hell are you going to do with that kind of major?" As much as that tone may irk me, the truth is, I never have an answer. I end up defending my diginity by saying, "I'm going to get my Masters and then who knows." That question and my answer has been plaguing me for awhile now and I don't know if it's the 4 seasons of ER I've been watching non-stop or what, but I have started to debate going to Med School or being a Physical Therapist. At the moment I am leaning towards Physical Therapy. I think I would be happy doing it, I can keep my major, I just have to drop my minor and it would be a great way to help me enter the world of baseball. For so long the future was a big blurry mess, but now I have somewhat of a picture of what my life is going to be like. What's even better is that I want to move to SF so badly and SF State has a PT program so that works out even better! I finally feel motivated so I think this is going to work out great.

Here are my movie reviews for Carolyn(Thanks for the Christmas card!!)...

Chronicles of Narnia- I had a lot of issues with this move, but I think it's because I never read the books so I didn't feel much of an attachment to what was going on. It was a bit to little kid-ish for me. It was well done and pretty, but boring and anti-climatic in some parts. My reaction to the movie was, "Eh."

Syriana- Really good and really confusing. I spaced out in a couple parts and then I got lost and had no clue what was going on. The acting is really good and it's pretty intense. Georgie boy isn't so hot in it, but he's still great in it and I will love him until the day I die!!!

King Kong- I cannot believe this movie was three hours long. It was so much fun and the special effects were great. I never thought Adian Brody was hot until I saw this movie. He's a babe.

So I'm back now and I promise to keep posting more often!