Monday, January 09, 2006

Countdown to 21: 26 days

So I know I've been away for quite some time, but now I am back and I am back as a whole new me. I've changed my major. I've gone on a diet. And I've started working out every night. As excited as I am to be almost 21, part of me has freaked out and has seen it as a sign that I am getting old and I still have no idea what I am going to do with my life. Yes, yes. I know this sounds incredibly absurd to be freaking out over these kinds of things at the mere age of 21, but I am the girl that is so terrified of failure that it practically consumes my life and thus...I MUST have a plan!

Currently I am a Political Science major with a minor in History. Lately, history has not been doing it for me, but since I'm 6 units away from getting my minor I figured I might as well go on with that. Then people always ask me what I am going to do with my Political Science major and it's not like they just ask, they practically scoff at my major. They basically say, "What the hell are you going to do with that kind of major?" As much as that tone may irk me, the truth is, I never have an answer. I end up defending my diginity by saying, "I'm going to get my Masters and then who knows." That question and my answer has been plaguing me for awhile now and I don't know if it's the 4 seasons of ER I've been watching non-stop or what, but I have started to debate going to Med School or being a Physical Therapist. At the moment I am leaning towards Physical Therapy. I think I would be happy doing it, I can keep my major, I just have to drop my minor and it would be a great way to help me enter the world of baseball. For so long the future was a big blurry mess, but now I have somewhat of a picture of what my life is going to be like. What's even better is that I want to move to SF so badly and SF State has a PT program so that works out even better! I finally feel motivated so I think this is going to work out great.

Here are my movie reviews for Carolyn(Thanks for the Christmas card!!)...

Chronicles of Narnia- I had a lot of issues with this move, but I think it's because I never read the books so I didn't feel much of an attachment to what was going on. It was a bit to little kid-ish for me. It was well done and pretty, but boring and anti-climatic in some parts. My reaction to the movie was, "Eh."

Syriana- Really good and really confusing. I spaced out in a couple parts and then I got lost and had no clue what was going on. The acting is really good and it's pretty intense. Georgie boy isn't so hot in it, but he's still great in it and I will love him until the day I die!!!

King Kong- I cannot believe this movie was three hours long. It was so much fun and the special effects were great. I never thought Adian Brody was hot until I saw this movie. He's a babe.

So I'm back now and I promise to keep posting more often!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Penny, I will support you in anything you do, although I don't think you have to decide right now, and no matter what major you have, you'll just get a job out of school and life will lead you somewhere. That's what happened for me and Jeff and practically everyone I know. That said, I think that physical therapy is not a bad idea -- it is supposed to be one of the top 10 most in-demand jobs in the next few years, and if you became a sports therapist, think of all the cute baseball ass you could manhandle one day. Perhaps even JT Snow's.

12:48 AM  
Blogger Penny said...

jen- when you say things like "think of all the cute baseball ass you could manhandle" it makes me realize that you truly are my sister. love ya!

12:57 AM  
Blogger Dagny said...

Jen, thanks for that imagery. Now I'm gonna have "cute baseball ass" stuck in my head all day.

7:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

nothing wrong with manhandling a little cute baseball ass to brighten up one's afternoon. (really the true meaning of "manhandle" don't you think?)

i loved king kong too. altho i am much more about the monkey than the brody.

yeah my mom said the reason she liked narnia was b/c it caught the 'mood' of the books so well. so maybe these books are not for you. they're very different than HP. :)

OK ! Looking forward to more oh miss almost-able-to-legally-drink!

10:39 AM  
Blogger Gloria said...

I love George Clooney too!!!

At least you're a poli sci major. That is infinitely more useful than the French major that I was, because everyone was like, "What, you're going to teach French now?" And I would have to roll my eyes and mumble something about my alma mater being a place where you go to learn, not go to get a job. Actually, my situation hasn't changed so much, because now people just ask, "What are you going to do with a PhD in Education? Teach elementary school?"

Diets are overrated. I have not had any fast food in the past week (not on purpose, but because I am so tired at the end of the day I just want to drive home and lie on my couch), and my body is craving french fries and chicken mcnuggets. Mmmm. The mere thought of all that grease makes me so happy.

9:56 PM  
Blogger Gloria said...

By the way? Med school sucks.

9:56 PM  
Blogger Penny said...

gloria- i'm telling you, you and i are in the same frame of mind...bread and clooney...mmmhmmmm

12:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I majored in political science, as did many of my friends. So when people ask, here's a list of jobs that you can have with a poli sci degree:

- comedian
- English teacher in Japan
- reality television producer
- think tank researcher
- law student
- PhD student
- nonprofit fundraiser (for a children's museum!)

Also, I think PT sounds very fun and very you, and I second the idea of hot baseball ass. :)

10:10 AM  

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