Tuesday, August 30, 2005

I have class in 8 and a half hours.

I bought the new Death Cab for Cutie. It is very very very good. It is calming.

Jeff is a butthead.

Hey Jefe, since you weren't there for my drunk dial, did you at least enjoy my message? I'll post a pic of your scarf on here. I was so jealous I went out and bought similar yarn for myself. You and Jen get matching ones, but not until Christmas!!! Well, I say Christmas, but I doubt that will be the case because I get so excited about things that I can't wait!

I started my blanket today. I'm really nervous that I'm doing the pattern wrong, but hey if it sucks I just won't give it to Juliette and I'll keep it for myself!

Okay I am forcing myself to at least to get into bed and pretend to sleep. Death Cab with ease my mind! YAY!

Monday, August 29, 2005

Today I drove up to Long Beach to pick up my friend, Juliette, and head on over to the wonderful world that I like to call the California State University Long Beach campus to pick up our books. Why are we picking up our books? BECAUSE SCHOOL STARTS ON MONDAY!!!! Where the hell did my summer go? The most exciting thing I did was go to San Francisco and that's practically my home away from home.

So this morning Juliette and I made our way up to the University bookstore in the ungodly heat and when I got my box of books I found out for my 5 classes I have 11 books!!!!! Today I discovered I hate college and I hate my major, as well as, minor. I think it's a good thing that I'm taking yoga this semester. I'm only taking Tuesday/Thursday classes and so this means to cram all 5 of my classes into those two days on Tuesdays I must go to school from 9:30 AM to 9:15 PM and from 9:30AM to 3:15PM I have absolutely no breaks. So yoga will be much needed on Wednesday afternoons.

This semester is going to be pretty intense to say the least. I have all upper division classes and they are all counting towards either my major or minor so that means if I ever want to make it in the grad school I need to get good grades. College is starting to get a little more serious now that I'm heading into my third year, but I think after last semester I can handle almost anything. Last semester I found out my grandpa has liver cancer and a few weeks later I found out my dad had to get heart surgery and after all the horrible mania and panic with my dad, I was still able to get all B's. I felt like I was going to die trying to catch up after all the school I missed having to drive home to be with the family and finals almost made me want to jump off a cliff, but hey, I pulled it off and I don't think things can get much worse then last semester so I am being really positive about this semester. Not to mention I think summer school gave me a new found motivation for school. I finally know what I want to major in and even though I have no idea what I'm going to do with it, I don't care for once.

So all I have to say to this semster is...BRING IT ON!!

Thursday, August 25, 2005

I finally filled up my memory card on my camera so I posted all the pictures from this summer on my online photo album. So go check them out!

Photo Album

Monday, August 22, 2005

Today I went shopping with my dear friend, Juliette. My whole goal was to get some more jeans and I failed miserably at acheiving my goal. I have about 20 or more purses and today I bought another one and ended up getting another one free. I did get some pants for my yoga class so that was good, but all that shopping has made me want to go to the gym and that is what I am doing in about 40 minutes. So anyway here are some pictures of my purchases. They are some good back to school items.

Here are my yoga pants. They will be comfy and I will be able to move in them. I am so excited for that class to start on Wednesday!

Here is the purse I bought at the Paul Frank store. I was lusting over it last week when I was there, but ended up buying some sunglasses so when I went back today I knew I had to buy it.

Here is the other cool bag that I got for free when I bought the purse! It's super cute and I'll use it as a knitting bag. I'm hoping to attend a Stitch n Bitch meeting soon!

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

I know, I know, I know! I do have many excuses for why I haven't posted in forever and all of them involve my insanely busy life. I only am able to post now because I have an hour break before I have to go to the store and then movie night begins! I made a promise to be back soon and so I am keeping that promise and posting a blog about the wonderful weekend I had.

Part of the reason my life has been insane because my roommate finally moved in so I was helping her unpack as well as showing her around town. When she moved in she brought her dog with her. Lucy is a Boston Terrier and is amazing. She likes to cuddle and is super cute. At first I was a little apprehensive about having a dog because they require so much attention, but Lucy is great and she is okay to leave alone in the house by herself.

Last night Rachel and I went to In & Out and Lucy decided she wanted some for herself.

So after all the mania of moving in Rachel, I had to drive 8 1/2 hours on the 5 all the back to Redding so I could get my car worked on and then go to San Francisco to look at wedding dresses with my brother's fiance. The one thing I love about going home, besides driving my dad's car, is the animals. I miss having 3 cats and a dog around all the time. My favorite kitty is Bobo. He is so cute and loves to be petted and he has the stinkiest breath in the world, but he is the greatest.

So here is Bobo contemplating his simple life in the Redding heat. I had no idea is was possible for a kitty to sit like that all on their own.

On Friday my mom, my sister, and I caravaned down to San Francisco and did some shopping before the rest of the ladies met up with us.

This is Nicole(Jen's maid of honor) and Patty(Jen's mom) right before we headed off to Union Square to begin Bridefest 2K5!

This is all of us acting like tourists in Union Square. Nicole, Jen, Patty, me, and Cathy, my mom.

So Jen found the most amazing dress and she decided to celebrate with some wine. Double fisting it, very classy!

It was an amazing weekend and I forgot how much I loved San Francisco because last time I was there it was under the not-so-happy circumstances of my dad having to get heart surgery. I decided that once I graduate I will move to San Francisco. I was thinking about moving to the East coast for a year, but I don't see that happening. I love California too much and moving to Boston would make me that much farther from the Giants, oh, and my family(haha, kidding).

So anyway, thanks for the wonderful weekend Jen, Patty, Nicole, Mom, and Jen.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Today driving to LA to meet up with my sister to go to Stitch n Bitch I saw a bumper sticker on a car that said "My boss is a Jewish carpenter." I found myself thinking, "Wow, I wish my boss was a Jewish carpenter so that today I could have avoided spending 3 hours trying to assemble a bookcase that turned out looking like shit! I would have made his ass come over and put the damn thing together!"

Starting yesterday I should have known that this bookcase and I were doomed. I made my way over to Target to get a bookcase and it turned out to be this huge adventure. Why you ask? Because I am 5'1 and the box that the bookcase comes in weighs about 200 pounds! Trying to put the box into my basket by myself was hard enough. I'm so freaking short and the box was so heavy that every time I tried to slide the thing into the basket, it just kept rolling away from me! So after like oh ya know, 5 tries!, this lady held the basket for me. SO after I get the rest of my stuff and go through the check out line I'm thinking about how it is going to be damn near impossible for me to get this huge box out of the basket and into my car. Not to mention, I drive a Volkswagen Jetta so I have to fold down the back seats so the box can fit and one would think this would be an easy task, but not for me! So it's 85 degrees and my car is like 100 degrees inside because it's blue and it's been sitting in the sun, so I'm sweating balls as I'm trying to yank the seats down! After I finally get that accomplished I have to pick this 200 pound box up out of the basket that is practically taller then me and the parking lot is on a slant so I'm trying to make it so the basket doesn't go flying away from me and crash into another car! Is it surprising to find out that I almost fell on my ass twice? What is even more frustrating is that there was this guy in a mini-van watching me the entire time! So when I got home I left it in my car because my friends were coming over later that night so I was going to make them deal with it. I had enough with the damn box!

So today I woke up bright and early at 11:00 AM to assemble this damn bookcase. I figured it would take me an hour, try 3!! I now have two blisters on my hand and my thumb feels like I've been playing Nintendo for 15 hours straight! Both the upper and lower part of my arms have pulled muscles and I think I am going to smell like wood for the rest of my life. You would think after three hours of screwing in things and nailing shit into the back of this bookcase it would be a masterpiece, but NO! It is probably the ugliest and most disasterous thing I have ever assembled before in my life!

Do you see how that front piece dangles from the top? Isn't that nice? There is this nice gap right in your face!! After half an hour of trying to screw in the screws, two blisters, and strained muscles I decided to try and yell "motherfucker" at it to see if that would make them screw in, but when that didn't work so I decided to just let it dangle. People like dangly things, don't they?

Do you see the nail protruding from the back of that thing? How did that happen? Well, it's kind of lopsided and I'm not very good at making sure things are evenly placed on surfaces so now I have nails sticking out the side of my bookcase. Oh! I can't forget the fact that I put the backing on backwards!!! Yes, I am a third year in college!!!

So anyway, that is my story of why I will never be a Jewish carpenter. Everytime I look over and see that ugly bookcase my thumb starts to ache.

Also, thanks for all the suggestions for my scarf! I liked a lot of them and I will be keeping them in mind for the scarfs I make for myself!! I watched "Harry Potter" and became inspired to make Andy's scarf a Harry Potter scarf. Here's what it looks like so far!!

Here is the picture of the fruit pizza I made for Karman's birthday party! I was so proud that I made it by myself that I took a picture! It's super simple to make, but it tastes great. Let me know if you want the recipe!

P.S. Today was my half-birthday! 6 more months until I'm 21 and a drunkard! I can't wait!

Monday, August 01, 2005

I have a knitting dilemma! I'm knitting a scarf for my friend, Andy, and he wants it to be black and pink. So here's the deal, so far I've started and I'm making the black part longer than the pink, but I don't know what to do now that I've gotten past the first pink stripe.

Should I:

1) keep making a bunch of pink stripes


2) make it so there are only two pink stripes at the ends of the scarf

Here's a picture so you'll be able to get a better idea of what I am talking about!

Please, help! My visual spatial abilities are limited and it doesn't help that I don't have much of a fashion sense! I don't know. The more I look at it, the more I want to take out the whole thing. I think there is too much black on the end. Argh! HELP!