Thursday, January 26, 2006

Count down to 21: 9 days(single digits!)

I'm not going to name names because they would all die of embarrassment, but quite a few Ultimate Fighters come into my work and for some reason, today all of them came in at separate times. I think they're doing this promotional thing, but because my work advertises for them and they advertise for us they give us a really good deal at their gym and today every single one of them was trying to get me into their gym. I told them I was doing Tae Bo and they all got mad at me!

So here's my deal. I pay $30 a month and one of them will be my personal trainer and they will get my fat ass into shape, but I'm a little nervous about it. It's not like I would date any of them because 1) they're all man-whores and 2) I like tall skinny boys, not boys with rippling muscles that beat the shit out of other boys for a living type.

I'm just nervous because well I'm not in the best shape of my life right now and I would have to see these boys at work after I die at the gym in front of them. Not to mention, I would kind of feel like a groupie slut haha. I kind of flirt with all of them when they come in so they'll buy stuff from me and I don't want to give off the wrong impression.

So we'll see what I end up doing. Thirty bucks is such a good deal so maybe if I can get my roommate the same deal and she will go die with me I'll do it.


Blogger Gloria said...

Ooh, that sounds like a good idea. I would do it were I in the same situation.

Hey, there's nothing wrong with being a groupie as long as you don't sleep with all of them (that's when you become a groupie slut, instead of just a groupie).

I have just accepted the fact that I'm too damn lazy to ever get in shape again. So somehow, I'm going to will the fat to melt off.

5:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Go for it! Think of the stories you'll have to tell if anything.

10:32 PM  

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