Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Countdown to 21: 24 days

I saw Match Point last night, which was really good, but also incredibly disturbing and fucked up. The music was great and well, now I want to go to London even more.

I'm not here to talk about Match Point though. As disturbing as it was, I saw something even more disturbing during the previews. I don't know if any of you have seen the preview for the new Mandy Moore movie, American Dreamz(click link to see the trailer), but not only does it look terrible, but it's flat out racist. I like Mandy Moore. I think she's cute and she's a fairly good actress compared to the other musicians trying to act these days.

So I guess the premise of the movie is this singing competition, American Dreamz, that is very similar to our own American Idol. One of the contestants is Muslim and part of the storyline is that at the end of the competition he is going to blow everyone up! I'm sorry, but America doesn't need any more encouragement to think that all people of Middle Eastern decent are terrorists. So so wrong! There's also this nice little line when one of the terrorists says something along the lines of, "They don't call me the torturer for nothing!" Hmmm...funny, I recall our WHITE, CHRISTIAN Vice President, Dick Cheney encouraging the people to vote for the CIA to be able to torture. America's ignorance still astounds me.Maybe there is something missing from the preview and in the actual movie and the kid has a change of heart or something, but from the previews it just looks bad!

Another movie that I'm nervous about is Flight 93 (Click link for trailer). It's about the people that fought the terrorists and the plane crashed in Pennsylvania on September 11th. I'm worried they're going to turn it into a really bad action film, like Armageddon or something. The preview just gives me the feeling the movie is going to be so so so wrong and disrespectful. For the families sakes, I hope not. God Bless America!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That sounds horrible. And embarrasing.

11:42 PM  
Blogger Gloria said...

Awwww. I thought American Dreamz looked funny. Okay, I sort of glossed over the Muslim blowing things up part, because I tend to zone out when things related to current events come up, especially when I am in a movie. But the rest of the movie seemed to be so fun and enjoyable and mindless (generally one of my movie requirements). And I recall thinking that Chris Klein looked cute, although now that I look at his pic on IMDB I'm not so sure what I was thinking at that time.

7:16 PM  
Blogger Penny said...

don't feel bad, chris klein has his moments of cuteness. i think it's his hair. sometimes it's good and sometimes it's soooo bad.

7:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

that movie sounds horrible. the albert brooks movie on trying to find laughter in the muslim world looks kinda funny tho. not totally funny. and probably also somewhat racist.

i wanna know more about matchpoint. we should go to london together. i've spent quite a bit of time there as i stay in my cousin's flat for free so it generally a cheap trip!! :)

6:18 AM  
Blogger Dagny said...

Somehow I have missed this trailer. Thank you for the warning.

9:50 PM  

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