Tuesday, August 16, 2005

I know, I know, I know! I do have many excuses for why I haven't posted in forever and all of them involve my insanely busy life. I only am able to post now because I have an hour break before I have to go to the store and then movie night begins! I made a promise to be back soon and so I am keeping that promise and posting a blog about the wonderful weekend I had.

Part of the reason my life has been insane because my roommate finally moved in so I was helping her unpack as well as showing her around town. When she moved in she brought her dog with her. Lucy is a Boston Terrier and is amazing. She likes to cuddle and is super cute. At first I was a little apprehensive about having a dog because they require so much attention, but Lucy is great and she is okay to leave alone in the house by herself.

Last night Rachel and I went to In & Out and Lucy decided she wanted some for herself.

So after all the mania of moving in Rachel, I had to drive 8 1/2 hours on the 5 all the back to Redding so I could get my car worked on and then go to San Francisco to look at wedding dresses with my brother's fiance. The one thing I love about going home, besides driving my dad's car, is the animals. I miss having 3 cats and a dog around all the time. My favorite kitty is Bobo. He is so cute and loves to be petted and he has the stinkiest breath in the world, but he is the greatest.

So here is Bobo contemplating his simple life in the Redding heat. I had no idea is was possible for a kitty to sit like that all on their own.

On Friday my mom, my sister, and I caravaned down to San Francisco and did some shopping before the rest of the ladies met up with us.

This is Nicole(Jen's maid of honor) and Patty(Jen's mom) right before we headed off to Union Square to begin Bridefest 2K5!

This is all of us acting like tourists in Union Square. Nicole, Jen, Patty, me, and Cathy, my mom.

So Jen found the most amazing dress and she decided to celebrate with some wine. Double fisting it, very classy!

It was an amazing weekend and I forgot how much I loved San Francisco because last time I was there it was under the not-so-happy circumstances of my dad having to get heart surgery. I decided that once I graduate I will move to San Francisco. I was thinking about moving to the East coast for a year, but I don't see that happening. I love California too much and moving to Boston would make me that much farther from the Giants, oh, and my family(haha, kidding).

So anyway, thanks for the wonderful weekend Jen, Patty, Nicole, Mom, and Jen.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

that cat pose is a riot. what the hell?!? :)

8:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Penny, you're already getting comment spam. You'll have to delete, yikes.

I LOVE LOVE LOVE that Bobo picture. He's such a goof.

9:23 AM  

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