Sunday, July 24, 2005

Lately I've started to become very concerned with the way I think of men. Dealing with men for the past 20 years of my life has caused me to become bitter and angry with them and all of that emotion has made it so that I now think of them as objects. Basically I am turning into a guy and I only see men as a piece of ass. Maybe that is why I think my non-English speaking husband is an excellent theory. Honestly though, men are pigs. I went down to San Diego to see some friends on Saturday night and as soon as I get to my friend's party this guy looks right at me and starts making humping motions...Hmmmmm. Is that okay to do in public? Is that acceptable behavior and I was never imformed?

Every last one of them are assholes. My last boyfriend was supposed to be a "good one." He was the sensitive, caring, do anything for you boyfriend. He is that guy that you become friends with and go, "Wow, he is a really great guy. Any girl who dates him is so lucky! He will treat her great!" WRONG!!!! He is the type of guy that you call him crying and tell him that your grandpa has liver cancer and your dad is getting heart surgery, he'll act like he's sorry and that he'll be there for you, but then when you show up back home he's evil and makes you cry all because you broke up with him two years ago!

It's just sad because I know this sounds so incredibly angry and bitter, but I just don't understand how men think it's okay for them to treat women the way they do. I know that women can do horrible things to men too, but I am not the type of girl to do those sorts of things. I'm not going to go out of my way to hurt a guy just because I can. I'm 20 and I'm already hating men. I am doomed.

I was knitting today and watching some baseball and I got to thinking about how I really don't think marriage is a good thing for me because I have major problems when it comes to committing. The second things get tough in a relationship I just end it rather than deal with it. People say it's because I just haven't found a guy that really fits me yet, but I don't think that's true at all. My last boyfriend was my first love and I did the same thing to him. I guess maybe I am one of those women. But seriously, at the age of 20 I have still not had a relationship that has lasted past 5 months and that is by choice. I have been single for two years now and I have no problem with it. I admit last year when it hit the one year mark I was wanting to date, but that only lasted about a month and then I realized that life is a lot easier and more fun when you're single. So after a lot of thinking about things today I have concluded that I am putting off dating indefinitely and I am going to become one of those awesome career women that have cats instead of kids and do whatever I want to do for the rest of my life and not have to deal with someone else and have to compromise when I decide what I want to do. Who needs a man in your life when you have money, cats, baseball and beer(in my case bitch beer or vodka)?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you are really cracking me up.

that is all well and good, but there is one thing you need a boy around for. as you may have learned from green day, at some point, masturbation loses its fun.

wait until you are my age and can't get a date to save your life to give up men totally. you're only 20, that gives you 17 more years of hating them to reach that point!!!!

6:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Penny, they are not all jerks. I have dated three good ones at least who did not behave badly. Although I often feel that way, too. I just have to remind myself they aren't all pigs or I am afraid I will even start being rude to male colleagues and discounting all their opinions just because they are male (I already find myself doing this sometimes).

I say if you don't feel like dating, don't date. Who says you have to? But really, there are some nice guys out there. It's just hard to find them in between all the air humpers.

10:37 AM  
Blogger Peter said...

There are still places in the world where girls & women are treated as property. While our society is not perfect, you have the right to make choices in your life. You control both your heart and your body.

In terms of dating, well, I'm sorry to say you'll never find the perfect man. Indeed, you may one day realize that a man's imperfections can be just as charming...

Follow your heart!

Stay Gold!

3:19 PM  
Blogger Penny said...

carolyn- you will forever rock in my book because you just quoted green day

jen- what three men are these? allan, does not count

jenna- hiiiii!!! yay!! i didn't know you read this! good job on screwing that guy over, what a slimeball!

peter and dave- thanks for the advice and thank you for not being mean to me because i am a man-hater :)

3:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was the same way for AGES. My longest-lasting relationship was 6 months, and that was only because he was at college across the country and I didn't want to break up over e-mail (and for some reason we never phoned each other). I was such an independent control freak that I wouldn't even hook up with guys in my place, always theirs, because I didn't want them intruding even that much into my life. And honestly, I don't regret it, and I certainly went through a lot less heartbreak in college than many of my friends.

But along the way I always kept an open mind, and when I did find the right guy, who got me and didn't annoy me or let me down... well, it's been almost two years and we're still going strong. So don't give up on all men! Just be properly cautious. ;)

Also, hi! Sorry it took so long for me to visit your blog. Life has been a bit crazy for me lately. Come back to SnB soon!

5:59 PM  

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