Friday, July 29, 2005

Summer school is finally over and after three weeks of pure insanity I was finally able to clean my apartment. I feel so much better. I highly recommend taking a three week summer school class because those three weeks will be insane, but at least by the time you feel like you're going to die it's half way over! I only recommend that to people who can live for three weeks with the fact that the only time you will have to clean up your apartment are the weekends and well since my weekends have been insane lately, I had to live with the fact that my apartment was going to be a disaster until summer school was over. I feel a lot more sane that my apartment is clean as well. So I will now provide you with the before and after results:



I think my mom would be so proud of me!!

It's strange, lately I've been getting a real sense of how much I have grown up in the past two years and it's things like cleaning my apartment that make it allt he more clear. Before I wouldn't clean my room or anything, mostly out of spite for my mother, but also because I just didn't care. Now I realize that living in a pig stye is disgusting and your guests really don't want to be coming over to visit one either.

When I was younger all I wanted to do was grow up and now that I'm here I'm glad I did. It's a good feeling. I think, also, in the past few weeks I have realized that even though I might not have any idea what I want to do in life, it's okay. My entire life I have had a plan. I felt like if I had no idea what direction I was going in I was going to fail, but now I know that's not true. I think I've finally gotten a sense of who I am and that I am going to do just fine in whatever I do. I've also noticed that since giving up on trying to find the answers to everything I'm a lot happier. Life is great right now and even though it may all come crashing down one day, at least I know what it felt like to be truly happy at some point in my life.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

your clean-up skills are indeed impressive - want to come do my place? . i have been without my cleaning lady for a month now (my cleaning lady who is apparently rich and can take a month and a half vacation!) and it's really bringing me back to my days of living in squalor!!!

6:38 AM  
Blogger Gloria said...

Hrm, my apartment is currently a sty, but I have no excuse. Oh right. I'm moving soon. That's my excuse. That's right.

4:41 PM  

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