Monday, November 07, 2005

What is it with people and not having a personal space bubble? I mean, they're American, but yet, they feel it is okay to practically stand behind you with their belly touching you and they are a stranger! This past week I have experienced two terrible cases of people invading my bubble. Granted, my bubble is much larger than the average American, but both of these people were so close that one of them had their pot belly touching me and the other one was practically talking into my ear!

The first time it happened when I was waiting in line at my favorite sushi place. The guy was with his wife and I kept stepping forward to try and give myself some more space, but whenever I would step forward he would step forward! It got so bad that in the single-file-line that I was standing in turned into him standing next to me!! Does he not realize that I was next in line? Does he realize that he was directly after me and in no way could anyone steal his place in line? Apparently not!!

Work with me here people, we're American, we don't actually like each other, so just give each other a little more space. I live in Orange County so I guess I should just make a sign to put on my back that says "I'm a crazy liberal!" and they'll stay away from me. But seriously, the "United we stand" thing shouldn't be taken in a literal sense, it's supposed to be symbolic!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

my personal space pet peeve is when the morons get in your section with you in the revolving door. jackhats!

12:49 PM  
Blogger Jeff said...

mmmm... pot belly...

7:35 PM  
Blogger Dagny said...

The real question here is whether those who intruded upon your space were American. If they were, then they are just clueless.

10:03 PM  
Blogger Gloria said...

Ahhh I HATE people who do that. Sometimes I give them a dirty look while I edge away from them, but they just don't get it. I am always so tempted to elbow them in the gut. Someday, I will snap and it will happen.

10:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If the dirty looks don't work, I like to do a little lean or step back onto their toes to give them a hint. Why do people not respect the bubble? Is it that hard? Standing closer won't get you there any faster!

12:54 PM  
Blogger Penny said...

carolyn- who does that!? crazies!

dagny- he was american because he then proceeded to ask me about the sushi i was getting

gloria- i am glad you feel my pain:)

jen- can't wait to see you at thanksgiving! isn't it sad that we live 40 miles apart and that will be the next time we see each other?

5:56 PM  
Blogger Dagny said...

Gloria has more self-control than I do. I have been known to try to elbow someone in that kind of situation. My friends restrained me. This is after trying to move away and then glaring at the person. At the time I figured if they couldn't take a subtle hint, then I would simply have to give the guy a not-so-subtle hint.

4:51 PM  

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