Thursday, December 01, 2005

Since I have absolutely nothing to write about I figured I would do my sister's tag thing so that I can please my oh so loyal readers(Carolyn). I know I have complained about these things before, but since my life consists of nothing other than work and school and movies, I might as well just do this. Maybe I'll stick my foot in my mouth along the way...

TEN random things you might not know about me.
1: I have a thing for older men. George Clooney, Clive Owen, the 35 year old guy that comes into my work and the list goes on!
2: I have webbed toes.
3: I have never received a detention in all my years of school.
4: My guilty pleasures are Kelly Clarkson and Nsync.
5: I am unbelievably shy around guys that I think are attractive and I think I don't have a chance with.
6: I hate my freckles.
7: I have only been dumped once.
8: I hate feet almost as much as I hate George W. Bush.
9: My dream is to throw the first pitch at a baseball game.
10: The only people I like to call me "Pen" are my family members and it irks me when other people that I'm not related to call me it.

NINE places I’ve visited.
1: Cancun
2: Rome
3: Canada
4: Hawaii
5: NYC
6: Florence
7: Venice
8: Orlando
9: Washington D.C.

EIGHT ways to win my heart
1: Give me alcohol for free.
2: Give me food for free.
3: Don't flake on me
4: Use sarcasm at all times.
5: Don't be afraid to speak your mind.
6: Be open minded.
7: Give me a back rub.
8: Be there for me when it is obvious I need you to be there.

SEVEN things I want to do before I die
1: See the Giants win the World Series.
2: Meet JT Snow
3: Buy each of my family members something nice.
4: Become God.....jokes
5: Make a decent amount of money.
6: Visit every baseball park in America.
7: Go to London.

SIX things I’m afraid of
1: Failure
2: Failure
3: Failure
4: Failure
5: Failure
6: Feet

FIVE things I don't like
1: George W. Bush
2: Bill O'Reilly
3: Sean Hannity
4: Left-lane drivers
5: Linkin Park

FOUR ways to turn me off
1: Like Linkin Park.
2: Have a lifted truck.
3: Have bleached hair.
4: Be a moron and not in a comical sense.

THREE Things I do everyday
1: Check my email.
2: Call at least one of my family members.
3: Laugh.

TWO things that make me happy
1: My family.
2: Baseball!!

ONE thing on my mind right now
1: Is this semester over yet?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i really do not think you have that much failure coming your way, girl. :)

feet ARE gross. most of the time. but they're not as bad as TEETH. bad teeth on a boy just FREAK me out. :)

11:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Penny, I read you! Loyal fan here! here!

You are not destined for failure. That is a complete impossibility. You are wonderful.

3:20 PM  
Blogger Gloria said...

I like older men too, in theory. Then when I go out with them, I'm freaked out because they're so much older (even if it's just a decade) and have to end things after a couple of dates.

4:07 PM  
Blogger Jeff said...

Your number five list cracked me up sooooo much. Political. Political. Political. Understandable. Wha? Where'd that come from? Ahhh hahahaha. Too funny.

12:52 PM  

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