Thursday, September 01, 2005

I HATE CNN, but since I don't get the BBC channel at my house and there's no way in hell I will watch Fox News, I have to watch it. Today I found out that my friend that lives in New Orleans lost his house, but is okay so I turned on the news to see what was going on his city and Anderson Cooper was on. One of the reasons I hate CNN so much is because they have the worst and most soulless reporters on the planet, but this is not the case with Anderson Cooper. I have always respected Anderson, but today I discovered a new found respect for that man. This couple had lost their baby and during the show they found it and Anderson was interviewing them and he just cried along with them. How many reporters, let alone men, have you seen do something like that? Then there was this horrid Senator from Lousiana that he interviewed and she started thanking all the other politicians for their efforts and I have never seen such anger and passion from a reporter before and Anderson basically told the woman that she is full of shit.

I remember after September 11th when the Daily Show came back on for the first time and Jon Stewart gave the most moving and heartfelt speech I've ever seen and Anderson's show reminded me of that and all I could do was cry. Anderson Cooper will forever rock in my book.

Anyway, the past two days I have been freaking out because John lives in New Orleans and he sent out this message on Myspace saying that he wasn't going to evacuate his house because it is brick and it's up in the hills where the city has never flooded before. So no one had heard from him for the past two days and everyone was leaving him comments asking him if he is okay and what not. So my parents live across the street from his grandparents so I sent my mom over since I'm not in Redding to go see if they've heard from them and they had just heard that they were all okay today, but it is the most insane story ever!

So their house started flooding and it got up to about four feet and they decided that they had to get out of the house so they went in sat in the bed of John's truck and the water kept rising and rising and rising to the point where it was finally up to the truck's door handle. Finally a boat when by and it rescued them and when it left the house it went over the fence in the yard, that's how high the water was. So anyway the boat dropped them off somewhere and I think at that point they got a ride with this guy in a truck and they rode with him and then the truck ran out of gas so they had to get out and walk for like 15 or so miles and sometimes the land was dry and well sometimes it was flooded. Then they got another lift from this guy in a truck who took them to John's roommate's house. So now thank God they are safe and sound, but my God hearing that story reminded me of the movie "The Day After Tomorrow" which ,by the way, is the worst movie ever made. I feel so much better that my friend is okay, but it's horrible that he lost his house. It's so tragic watching the news and I beg of you, if you can afford it donate some money to the Red Cross because there are people out there that have lost their homes entirely and some have lost family members and it's the least you can do to send money their way to make their lives a little easier.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

glad to hear your pal is OK!!

1:17 PM  
Blogger Penny said...

me too! i've been freaked out of my mind!

2:25 PM  

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