Tuesday, May 08, 2007

I finished two papers today so I decided to take a break at 1AM and write a post since it is something that I have done very little of this semester. I know that my previous two posts have been overdramatic and on the depressing side, but this has been the most amazing semester. As much as I am beyond over school, I have had the time of my life. I have probably had too much fun and my grades will probably show it when the semester ends in three weeks, but I don't regret a thing.

College, in general, has been the four most amazing years of my life. There have been a few bumps here and there, but 3/4 of college have been nothing but fun. I am genuinely saddened to know that it is all coming to an end. I have met the greatest people. I have had incredible professors that have changed my life more than they will ever know. I don't know a school that could have fit me better for undergrad than CSULB. When I moved away after high school I didn't have any saddness. But when I move away in a few weeks, I am going to be devastated because I'm going to be leaving my entire life behind me.

I am going to literally be starting my life over again when I move. New city. New friends. First real job. A year later, new school. It is a terrifying feeling, but I'm trying to turn those feelings into excitement and I think it's beginning to work.

So starting August 1st, watch out San Francisco because I'm coming to conquer you!

And hey! if I end up living on the streets, at least there will be plenty of homeless people for me to make friends with!


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