Thursday, October 12, 2006

In Southern California it is sunny every day of the year. Well, not every day, but 360 days out of the year it is sunny and because of this sandals and flip flops are year round footwear. As you know by now shoes are a great obsession of mine and I will judge you soley on the shoes you are wearing and because of this I have noticed that the most horrible style of footwear for men has been taking over my campus. Mandals. Dear God people. You have no idea how much this pains me. Not only are boys wearing mandals to the max these days, they are wearing them with socks! THE HORROR!!! MY GOD THE HORROR!!! Crocs are bad enough, but what I'm talking about are full-on leather mandals. What man actually buys them? What man actually thinks it is ever okay to wear sandals with socks???? I have decided that when I run for President I am going to outlaw mandals and save everyone's eyes from such horror. Please boys, Just Say No to Mandals!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's still so sunny. Why? I can't believe it's going to be in the 80s tomorrow and it's nearly Thanksgiving.

2:03 PM  

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