Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Superman Returns opened today and well, I hate Superman. He is the lamest superhero ever. He's an alien. No shit he can beat everyone up. He can't die unless someone has Kryptonite. LAME.

I'm all about Batman and Spiderman. Although I love Batman a little bit more than Spiderman. Spidey holds a very dear place in my heart. So today I was watching movie trailers and I saw that the Spiderman 3 trailer had been released! I about died. Oh.My.God. I cannot wait for this movie. VENOM! Venom is pure evil, but amazing. I cannot believe I have to wait a year for this movie. I think I'm going to watch the trailer everyday until the movie comes out.

I don't know what it is about the Spiderman movies, but they capture the essence of Spiderman perfectly. I love the Tim Burton Batman movies and Batman Begins with Cristian Bale, but those are so different from the feel of the cartoon so my attachment to the Spiderman movies is much greater. So if anyone comes across a time machine in the near future, let me know because I don't know if I can wait until Mya 2007 to see this movie!


Blogger Gloria said...

Haha. I did see Superman today. What I can't get over is the fact that NOBODY realises that Clark Kent is Superman. Hi, do you not realise that one disappears when the other is around? And that THEY LOOK THE SAME?

Well. Yes. I'm not so good with the suspension of belief. But I did enjoy the Superman movie.

It is quite amusing that they put the Spiderman III trailer right before the Superman movie, even though it's not coming out 'til next year.

11:57 PM  
Blogger Jeff said...

you nerd.

11:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i loved spiderman until he became tobey maguire. now i am not so much about the spiderman. and i hate the new superman. (and my dad said the movie was pretty lame.)

12:25 PM  

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